We are excited to announce we will be launching our Senior Women's football program for the 2024 season
When: Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15pm
Where: Sewell Reserve, Glenroy Road, Glenroy
If you'd like to know more, join us at a training session or email us a: hello@glenroyfc.com
P: 0407 921 951
Bill 'Emmo' Emerson is the Senior Coach for the Senior Women's team at Glenroy in 2024.
This will be Bill's 8th season coaching women's football, and his 27th season of coaching football. He is a passionate coach who truly cares for his players, and who puts 110% into his pre-game speeches every time.
His number one supporter is his Golden Retriever, Coby.
Emmo believes respect is at the centre of any successful team - respect for the club, respect for your teammates, respect for yourself and once earned, respect for the coach. He is also a big believer in enjoying your footy and having fun.
We currently have over 20 players who have joined us for a training session since launching, and over 35 players who have registered their interest to play.
If you are keen to give pre-season a go (no cost involved), feel free to join us on any Monday or Wednesday night prior to the season commencing in April.
We'd absolutely love to have you on board!
Reach out via email, social media, or directly to our Coach on 0407 921 951 for more information.
Our first round for the season will be the weekend of April 13. We will have some flexibility with games, including some opportunities to play Friday nights and Saturday mornings.
During the season, our training will take place at 6.15pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Following training on Thursdays, we will come together with the men's teams at the club and eat dinner, hear the team selection for the week, and have a whole lot of fun together including the spinning of the wheel... (don't worry - you'll learn more soon!).